The ACM Digital Library (DL) [2] is the most comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records in existence today covering the fields of computing and information technology. The full-text database includes the complete collection of ACM's publications, including journals, conference proceedings, magazines, newsletters, and multimedia titles and currently consists of:
In addition to the full-text database, the ACM Digital Library is heavily integrated with and includes unrestricted access to the Guide to Computing Literature bibliography.
The ACM Digital Library includes reference linking though CrossRef, integration with the ACM Computing Reviews database, index terms using ACM's 2012 Computing Classification Scheme (CCS), alerting and TOC services, and all export formats including BibTex, Endnote, and ACM Ref, as well as OpenURL compliance, and COUNTER III and SUSHI Compliant usage statistics.
[From vendor]
Last updated: September 14, 2018
Usage statistics are available on the vendor's website [4].
ACM's pricing model for non-US participants is based in part on usage levels. ACM has instituted an automatic system whereby usage outside of their pre-set levels generates an automatic email to the institution (and to the chief negotiator). It is very important that each institution keep track of any such anomalies, which may be due to data mining (which is not permitted) or excessive downloading, as this has an impact on an institution's tier placement and pricing.
Usage statistics are available in COUNTER report format; a username and password are required. Consortia are requested to contact the lead consortium for usernames and passwords for their institutions.