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Subscription Term
July 1, 2018Ends:
June 30, 2019Ereserves
If the Subscriber is an educational institution, it may incorporate portions of the Licensed Works into printed Course Packs and Electronic Reserve Collections for use by Authorized Users in a course of instruction at the Subscriber’s educational institution, but not for Commercial Use. Each portion of the Licensed Works used in this manner shall be identified with an appropriate acknowledgment of the source, listing the title and author of the extract, title and author of the work, and “Oxford University Press” as the publisher. Copies of such extracts shall be deleted by the Subscriber or Authorized User when the extracts are no longer being used in the course of instruction. Course Packs in non-print forms, such as audio or Braille, may also be offered to Authorized Users who, in the reasonable belief of the Subscriber, are visually impaired. (3.2)